Yes. K-URONIC can be used to measure D-glucurono-g-lactone. Sample preparation procedure for samples to be tested for D-glucurono-g-lactone:
Adjust the pH of sample solution to approximately 11 with 2 M NaOH (e.g. add 200 μL of 2 M NaOH to 1 mL of sample) and incubate at approx. 25˚C for 5-10 min.
Monitor the pH of the solution with pH test-strips, and adjust if necessary. Use an aliquot of this solution in the kit assay, with appropriate dilution in distilled water if required.
The dilution effect of NaOH addition and any further dilution should also be accounted for in the calculation, e.g. the value obtained from the standard calculation should be multiplied by 1.2 which is the dilution factor as a result of adding 200 μL of 2 M NaOH to 1 mL of sample.
In this assay D-Glucurono-g-lactone is determined together with any “free” D-glucuronic acid, if present, and is calculated as total D-glucuronic acid.
To determine the amount of D-Glucuron-y-lactone present, the sample must also be tested for “free” D-glucuronic acid only (i.e. tested without sample pre-treatment with NaOH) and this value then subtracted from the Total D-glucuronic acid value obtained above. D-Glucurono-y-lactone = Total D-glucuronic acid - “free” D-glucuronic acid.
This sample treatment using NaOH is used to convert D-glucurono-g-lactone to D-glucuronic acid and should be performed after any other sample pre-treatments that are required for a given sample as provided in the kit booklet, e.g. decolourisation, deproteinisation etc.

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