The limit of detection for Amylase SD reagent is 0.007 U/g using the standard assay conditions, (pH 5.4, 40˚C, 10 mins) This detection limit is dictated by the spectrophotometric response and corresponds to an absorbance difference (ΔA) of 0.02 between reaction and blank absorbance values. 

It is possible to increase the sensitivity of the assay by increasing the incubation time and/or the sample volume. 

In this assay if you increase the incubation time to 60 mins the limit of detection for Amylase SD reagent is 0.001 Amylase SD Units per gram of wheat sample, (pH 5.4, 40˚C, 60 mins). This detection limit is dictated by the spectrophotometric response and corresponds to an absorbance difference (ΔA) of 0.02 between reaction and blank absorbance values.